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Best Blogger Templates Sources

| Thursday, November 20, 2008
Best Blogger Templates Sources Best Blogger Templates Sources

Tired of searching on google for websites who provide free blogger temaplates !!

Well,i am too...after months of researching and collection of websites which provide free templates for your blogspot blogs, i have collected some intresting sources which are categorized into 2 column templates,3 column templates, Ads teampltes, seo templates, web 2.0 templates etc ..

Here is the list starts:

2 & 3 column Templates:

These are the kind of temapltes where more than 80% of blogs are using.

The good part with these templates are bloggers can put multiple widgets on sidebars and they can place long vertical Ads etc..

Jack Book is the #1 website for bloggers to learn a complete in and out of blogging.

Jack Book as hot thousands of 2 & 3 column templates and they have given a crear tutorials for installing the temapltes.

If the temmplate contain any images JackBook has given an option for bloggers to host images in by their own.

Many Temapltes has .Js files which are pre-hosted on .So,no hassle or messing up in uploading a new temaplate.

Blogger Tricks.Com is another top rated website helping thousands of bloggers in renovating their blogs with many new gadgets,designs in templates,blog hacks etc.

The best part with this website is it has great dynamic visitor controll,most of the visitors are either bloggers,or new blog beninners. The post comments on every articles and suggest to update the articles. Good to learn from others experiences.

Excellent Website for those who want to view the templates demos and download.

They diffrentiate by placing a design oriented templates and Web 2.0 based temaplates.

Blogbuster has got more than 100 xml based templates.Just download the template and uplaod it into your blog. No Javascript hassles, No Image hosting hassles.

Recommended for those who are experimenting with diffrent looks of their blogs.

Blogger Buster speciality is bloggers can submit a template or designs or even bloggers can request admin to change the Wordpressed or premium templates to blogger templates. And this is totally for free.

Ads Template:

This is a kind of temaplte for advanced bloggers or blogs whose visittor frequency is more than 1000 hits/day. The main goal of such deisgns are placing the ads in their blogs at attractive places where users wont get disturbed but at the same time bloggers earn good revenue from their blogs.

These are highly recommended for good visitor blogs and advanced bloggers.

This website is highly recommended for advanced bloggers,becuase the language that bloggers speak in this blog is more complicated and its pretty bloglanguage.

This website has got thousands of advanced blogger temaplates like Ads based templates,Web 2.0 templates, photoshop design based temapltes etc.

Wowzio creates wow widgets for your website and blogs

| Friday, September 26, 2008
Looking for photo slideshow for your blog??
Looking for Traffic Feed widget for your blog??
Tired of adding photos to flickr or picasa to embed into your blog?
Want to share your posts feed to other blogs?
Looking for attractive tag cloud?
Want to change your widgets color,layout,size,rows and colomns??

If you say "Yes" to any one of the above question is the solution for your problem.
Before i begin the tutorial, let me share my experience with "wowzio" a widget creator for blogs and websites.

One year back i created a blog( targeted for Indian Community movies,songs,news etc.. since made me ease to maintain my posts.After a while i was looking for more user awareness , i googled and read hundreds of articles on marketing blogs,attracting new users,creating good layout,writing articles etc..

I used to post 3-4 articles/day.Now the problem started!! who ever visit my blog i dont have an option to show my old posts except in archives,i want to attract my users to stay long time at my blog and can browse as many articles as possible.

So adding images of my previous posts could help me in solving this problem, then i tried yahoo's flickr and googles picasa online image hostings where it has got good widgets to embed all the images to my blog.
But every time i write a post i have to add image to these image hosting sites,adding 5-6 images every day was big pain,unfortunately this didn't solved my problem.

Luckily i found a wonderful website ,which is widget creator for your blogs.
Just by giving my website url it shows all my blog posts randomly and no need to update every day.

Only thing you need is your blog/website should be rss/atom enabled.(not sure whether your blog is rss/atom enabled ?? just create your own blogs rss feeds by your Google account from free of cost :-) )

Most amazing things that i liked with wowzio is it has got most popular widgets that are very essential for your blogs or website to attract users and stay for long time.

So want to add any one of the above widgets to your blog??
Here is the step by step procedure:

1) Your blog should be rss /atom enable.(not sure whether your blog is rss/atom enabled ?? just create your own blogs rss feeds by your google acount from free of cost :-) )
2) off course you need blog or a website :-) where you want to put the widgets.

1) Go to

2) Click on "Build Widgets"

3) Add your blog url or feed url and click on "Continue"

4) Your widgets are ready...
Choose any one of the widget and customize the layout which fits into your blog.

I have added a youtube online tutorial, for more detailed illustration.

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testing technorati tags

| Saturday, September 20, 2008
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