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Best Blogger Templates Sources

| Thursday, November 20, 2008
Best Blogger Templates Sources Best Blogger Templates Sources

Tired of searching on google for websites who provide free blogger temaplates !!

Well,i am too...after months of researching and collection of websites which provide free templates for your blogspot blogs, i have collected some intresting sources which are categorized into 2 column templates,3 column templates, Ads teampltes, seo templates, web 2.0 templates etc ..

Here is the list starts:

2 & 3 column Templates:

These are the kind of temapltes where more than 80% of blogs are using.

The good part with these templates are bloggers can put multiple widgets on sidebars and they can place long vertical Ads etc..

Jack Book is the #1 website for bloggers to learn a complete in and out of blogging.

Jack Book as hot thousands of 2 & 3 column templates and they have given a crear tutorials for installing the temapltes.

If the temmplate contain any images JackBook has given an option for bloggers to host images in by their own.

Many Temapltes has .Js files which are pre-hosted on .So,no hassle or messing up in uploading a new temaplate.

Blogger Tricks.Com is another top rated website helping thousands of bloggers in renovating their blogs with many new gadgets,designs in templates,blog hacks etc.

The best part with this website is it has great dynamic visitor controll,most of the visitors are either bloggers,or new blog beninners. The post comments on every articles and suggest to update the articles. Good to learn from others experiences.

Excellent Website for those who want to view the templates demos and download.

They diffrentiate by placing a design oriented templates and Web 2.0 based temaplates.

Blogbuster has got more than 100 xml based templates.Just download the template and uplaod it into your blog. No Javascript hassles, No Image hosting hassles.

Recommended for those who are experimenting with diffrent looks of their blogs.

Blogger Buster speciality is bloggers can submit a template or designs or even bloggers can request admin to change the Wordpressed or premium templates to blogger templates. And this is totally for free.

Ads Template:

This is a kind of temaplte for advanced bloggers or blogs whose visittor frequency is more than 1000 hits/day. The main goal of such deisgns are placing the ads in their blogs at attractive places where users wont get disturbed but at the same time bloggers earn good revenue from their blogs.

These are highly recommended for good visitor blogs and advanced bloggers.

This website is highly recommended for advanced bloggers,becuase the language that bloggers speak in this blog is more complicated and its pretty bloglanguage.

This website has got thousands of advanced blogger temaplates like Ads based templates,Web 2.0 templates, photoshop design based temapltes etc.